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Mrs. Navjeet Kaur

M.Sc. (N), Ph.D.(N)

Ambika Public School is known for our commitment to academic success, complemented by a Comprehensive co-curricular program and a array of service for the society. These programs provide Students with a perfect development of their mindset, emotional, physical, social and cultural elements of Life in order to enable them to reach their potential both as a student and as a member of the community.


The Ambika Public School shares the vision and motto “to develop students who demonstrate resilience, Respect, integrity and independence and who are academically and socially achieving excellence together” The Ambika Public School has a commitment to excellence in a caring, cooperative and inclusive Environment. As a community we share the common values of amiability, Reverence, Integrity, Everyone Co-operates, Never-Give-Up Attitude, Diversity and Support.


It is the belief of our school that we are all responsible for the academic, social, emotional and physical Well-being and development of the children in our company. We believe that the bond between Parents and School is crucial and we do all we can to ensure the strength of this partnership. The school works towards Achieving its goal by providing bond of trust and concrete relationships in a place where child feel safe, Wellbeing and nurtured.


Building on changing patterns, the school now looks to the future with the NEP2023. Which emphasise a Range of qualities that our future will need, the ability to work together with others; to engage in brushing One natural talent; to Analyses and comprehend thinking; to think creatively and magnimous to respond to Emerging needs and trends. Our approach purely based to meet these challenges, to give our students the Best platform to showcase their invincibility.